Standard Interpretations(Archived) - Standard Number
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- 1910.134 - Clarification of the requirements of the Respiratory Protection Standard. - 12/04/1995
- 1910.134 - COVID-19 Focused Inspection Initiative in Healthcare - [OSHA Act of 1970 - Section 5(a)(1)] - 03/02/2022
- 1910.134 - Entry into a confined space when the lower flammable limit is greater than ten percent. - 09/04/1996
- 1910.134 - Heat Initiative: Inspection Guidance - [OSHA Act of 1970 - Section 5(a)(1)] - 09/01/2021
- 1910.134 - Issuance of and paying for Personal Protective Equipment. - 12/09/1996
- 1910.134 - Negative pressure respirators unacceptable for isocyanate paints. - 05/06/1982
- 1910.134 - Respirator Concerns. - 06/13/1996
- 1910.134 - Respirator use of spray operations involving paints containing isocyanates. - 07/11/1994
- 1910.134 - Respirators required during initial hazardous waste site entry - 05/01/1990
- 1910.134 - Respiratory Protection Standard: Interim Enforcement Policy. - 10/13/1998
- 1910.134 - Tuberculosis and Respiratory Protection Enforcement - 03/24/2008
- 1910.134 - Tuberculosis and Respiratory Protection. - 05/17/2007
- 1910.134 - Tuberculosis and Respiratory Protection. - 07/30/2004
- 1910.134 - Tuberculosis testing procedures for the home health care industry. - 06/03/2002
- 1910.134 - Update: OSHA Enforcement Policy for Occupational Exposure to Tuberculosis. - 09/06/1995
- 1910.134 - Updated Interim Enforcement Response Plan for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - [OSHA Act of 1970 - Section 5(a)(1)] - 07/07/2021
- 1910.134(a)(1) - Hierarchy of air contaminant controls; respirators for emergencies. - 01/26/1993
- 1910.134(c) - Tuberculosis and Respiratory Protection. - 07/30/2004
- 1910.134(d) - Hierarchy of air contaminant controls; respirators for emergencies. - 01/26/1993
- 1910.134(d)(1)(ii) - Enforcement Guidance for Respiratory Protection and the N95 Shortage Due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic - 04/03/2020
- 1910.134(d)(1)(ii) - NIOSH eliminates maximum use concentrations (MUC) labeling requirement for Chemical Cartridges. - 06/04/1990
- 1910.134(e) - Tuberculosis and Respiratory Protection. - 07/30/2004
- 1910.134(e)(2) - Clarification of the respiratory protection medical evaluation. - 12/22/1998
- 1910.134(f) - Tuberculosis and Respiratory Protection. - 07/30/2004
- 1910.134(f)(2) - Tuberculosis and Respiratory Protection Enforcement - 03/24/2008
- 1910.134(f)(2) - Tuberculosis and Respiratory Protection. - 05/17/2007
- 1910.134(f)(3) - Tuberculosis and Respiratory Protection. - 05/17/2007
- 1910.134(k) - Tuberculosis and Respiratory Protection. - 07/30/2004
- 1910.134(k)(5)(ii) - OSHA training Standards Policy Statement. - 04/17/2007
- 1910.134(m) - Tuberculosis and Respiratory Protection. - 07/30/2004